El Jardin partners with Berde Sustainable Travels to offer birdwatching tours, featuring a curated bird list for an immersive eco-tourism experience.
Bird Names | Scientific Names | Bird Habitats | Bird Types | Conservation Status | Description | Fun Facts | Presence Type |
Coppersmith Barbet | Psilopogon haemacephalus | Urban habitats, Forests | Barbet | Least Concern | Small bird with a red forehead and a distinctive call resembling a hammer hitting metal. | Can drum a call at over 100 times per minute. | Resident |
Blue-tailed Bee-eater | Merops philippinus | Grasslands, Wetlands, Farmland | Bee-eater | Least Concern | Bright green bird with a blue tail and a distinctive curved beak. | Expert at catching insects mid-flight. | Resident |
Philippine Coucal | Centropus viridis | Farmland, Forests | Coucal | Least Concern | Large, glossy black bird with a long tail and a reddish-brown back. | Often seen skulking in vegetation, avoiding open areas. | Endemic Bird(Only in the Philippines) |
Philippine Jungle Crow | Corvus philippinus | Forests, Urban habitats | Crow | Least Concern | Large, glossy black bird with a robust bill and loud caw. | Highly intelligent and capable of problem-solving. Formerly categorized as Large-billed Crow but had been recently reclassified. | Endemic Bird(Only in the Philippines) |
Zebra dove | Geopelia striata | Urban habitats, Farmland | Dove | Least Concern | Small dove with zebra-like stripes and a soft, cooing call. | Known for its calming presence and melodious coos. | Introduced |
Spotted dove | Spilopelia chinensis | Urban habitats, Farmland, Grasslands | Dove | Least Concern | Larger dove with a distinctive black-and-white spotted neck patch. | Often seen walking on the ground in search of seeds. | Resident |
Red Collared Dove | Streptopelia tranquebarica | Grasslands, Urban habitats | Dove | Least Concern | Small dove with reddish-brown plumage and a soothing call. | Males are known for their territorial displays during breeding. | Resident |
Common Emerald Dove | Chalcophaps indica | Forests, Farmland | Dove | Least Concern | Medium-sized dove with bright green wings and a pinkish face. | Known as the "Green Dove" due to its striking wing color. | Resident |
Philippine Cuckoo-Dove | Macropygia tenuirostris | Forests | Dove | Least Concern | Medium-sized dove with reddish-brown plumage and a soothing coo. | A shy bird often heard rather than seen. | Endemic Bird(Only in the Philippines) |
Eastern Cattle Egret | Ardea coromanda | Grasslands, Farmland | Egret | Least Concern | Small white heron often seen near grazing animals. | Known for feeding on insects stirred up by livestock. | Migratory Bird |
Mangrove Blue Flycatcher | Cyornis rufigastra | Mangrove Forests, Urban habitats | Flycatcher | Least Concern | Small bird with bright blue upperparts, orange underparts, and a sweet song. | Known to perch silently before darting out to catch insects mid-air. | Resident |
Narcissus Flycatcher | Ficedula narcissina | Forests, Urban habitats | Flycatcher | Least Concern | Medium-sized bird with striking black, yellow, and white plumage, with males being more vividly colored. | Migrates across East Asia, and its name comes from its vivid colors resembling the Narcissus flower. | Migratory Bird |
Golden-bellied Gerygone | Gerygone sulphurea | Farmland, Urban habitats | Flyeater | Least Concern | Small bird with a bright yellow belly and a melodious song. | Builds hanging nests that sway with the wind. | Resident |
Tawny Grassbird | Cincloramphus timoriensis | Grasslands | Grassbird | Least Concern | Small brown bird with streaked plumage and a loud, trilling call. | Often stays hidden in tall grass, making it hard to spot. | Resident |
Purple Heron | Ardea purpurea | Wetlands, Farmland | Heron | Least Concern | Large wading bird with purple and brown plumage. | Expert at catching fish in shallow waters. | Migratory Bird |
White Collared Kingfisher | Todiramphus chloris | Marine and coastal habitats, Urban habitats | Kingfisher | Least Concern | Vibrant blue and white kingfisher often seen near water. | Hunts crabs and fish with precision dives. | Resident |
Brown-breasted Kingfisher | Halcyon gularis | Forests, Wetlands | Kingfisher | Least Concern | Large kingfisher with brown chest and brilliant blue wings. | Endemic to the Philippines and a skilled hunter of small prey. | Endemic Bird(Only in the Philippines) |
Bird Names | Scientific Names | Bird Habitats | Bird Types | Conservation Status | Description | Fun Facts | Presence Type |
Philippine Nightjar | Caprimulgus manillensis | Urban habitats, Forests | Nightjar | Least Concern | Medium-sized nocturnal bird with mottled plumage for camouflage. | Known for its haunting, repetitive night calls. | Near-endemic |
Black-naped Oriole | Oriolus chinensis | Forests, Urban habitats | Oriole | Least Concern | Bright yellow bird with a distinctive black line across its eyes. | Known for its flute-like call and vibrant coloration. | Resident |
Philippine Pied Fantail | Rhipidura javanica | Urban habitats, Forests | Passerine | Least Concern | Small bird with a black head, white eyebrows, and a fan-shaped tail. | Famous for its aggressive behavior towards intruders near its nest. | Endemic Bird(Only in the Philippines) |
Yellow-vented Bulbul | Pycnonotus goiavier | Urban habitats, Farmland, Grasslands | Passerine | Least Concern | Medium-sized bird with brown upperparts and a distinctive yellow patch under its tail. | Adaptable to urban environments, often seen eating fruits in backyards. | Resident |
Chestnut Munia | Lonchura atricapilla | Grasslands, Farmland | Passerine | Least Concern | Small finch-like bird with chestnut-colored body and black head. | Official national bird of the Philippines. | Resident |
Philippine Bulbul | Hypsipetes philippinus | Forests, Lowland heathland, Urban habitats | Passerine | Least Concern | Medium-sized bird with brown plumage and a slightly crested head. | Plays a crucial role in seed dispersal. | Endemic Bird(Only in the Philippines) |
Spotted Buttonquail | Turnix ocellatus | Farmland, Grasslands | Quail | Least Concern | Small, ground-dwelling bird with mottled brown plumage and distinctive black-and-white spots. | Females are more colorful and vocal, taking the lead in courtship. Males incubate eggs and raise the chicks. | Endemic Bird(Only in the Philippines) |
White-breasted Waterhen | Amaurornis phoenicurus | Wetlands, Grasslands | Rail | Least Concern | Medium-sized bird with a white face and breast, and black upperparts. | Known for its loud, cackling call. | Resident |
Philippine Magpie Robin | Copsychus mindanensis | Forests, Urban habitats | Robin | Least Concern | Small black-and-white bird with a melodious song. | Often seen perched on fences or low branches. | Endemic Bird(Only in the Philippines) |
Brown Shrike | Lanius cristatus | Farmland, Grasslands, Urban habitats | Shrike | Least Concern | Medium-sized bird with a hooked beak and distinctive black mask. | Known as the "butcher bird" for impaling prey on thorns. | Migratory Bird |
Eurasian Tree Sparrow | Passer montanus | Urban habitats, Farmland | Sparrow | Least Concern | Small brown bird with a black cheek patch and a noisy chirp. | Commonly found in urban areas, often nesting in crevices. | Introduced |
Garden Sunbird | Cinnyris jugularis | Urban habitats, Marine and coastal habitats | Sunbird | Least Concern | Tiny bird with iridescent blue chest and olive-green upperparts | Male performs elaborate displays during courtship. Previously called Olive-backed Sunbird. | Endemic Bird(Only in the Philippines) |
Glossy Swiftlet | Collocalia esculenta | Forests, Urban habitats | Swift | Least Concern | Small, dark swift with glossy feathers and a rapid flight pattern. | Builds nests with saliva, used in bird's nest soup. | Resident |
House Swift | Apus nipalensis | Urban habitats | Swift | Least Concern | Small bird with a forked tail and rapid, darting flight. | Nests are often found clinging to tall buildings or cliffs. | Resident |
Pied Triller | Lalage nigra | Farmland, Forests, Urban habitats | Triller | Least Concern | Small black-and-white bird with a streaked underside. | Often joins mixed-species flocks while foraging. | Resident |
Grey-backed Tailorbird | Orthotomus ruficeps | Forests, Grasslands, Urban habitats | Warbler | Least Concern | Small bird with olive-green upperparts, grey back, and white underparts. | Builds intricate nests by stitching leaves together, using its beak like a needle. | Endemic Bird(Only in the Philippines) |
Lowland White-eye | Zosterops meyeni | Forests, Urban habitats | White-eye | Least Concern | Tiny bird with green plumage and a distinctive white eye-ring. | Forms large, noisy flocks and feeds on nectar. | Endemic Bird(Only in the Philippines) |
Sitio Lagkit, Brgy. Abung San Juan, Batangas,
Philippines 4662
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