
Discover Nature with Us

El Jardin partners with Berde Sustainable Travels to offer birdwatching tours, featuring a curated bird list for an immersive eco-tourism experience.

Bird Names Scientific Names Bird Habitats Bird Types Conservation Status Description Fun Facts Presence Type
Coppersmith Barbet Psilopogon haemacephalus Urban habitats, Forests Barbet Least Concern Small bird with a red forehead and a distinctive call resembling a hammer hitting metal. Can drum a call at over 100 times per minute. Resident
Blue-tailed Bee-eater Merops philippinus Grasslands, Wetlands, Farmland Bee-eater Least Concern Bright green bird with a blue tail and a distinctive curved beak. Expert at catching insects mid-flight. Resident
Philippine Coucal Centropus viridis Farmland, Forests Coucal Least Concern Large, glossy black bird with a long tail and a reddish-brown back. Often seen skulking in vegetation, avoiding open areas. Endemic Bird(Only in the Philippines)
Philippine Jungle Crow Corvus philippinus Forests, Urban habitats Crow Least Concern Large, glossy black bird with a robust bill and loud caw. Highly intelligent and capable of problem-solving. Formerly categorized as Large-billed Crow but had been recently reclassified. Endemic Bird(Only in the Philippines)
Zebra dove Geopelia striata Urban habitats, Farmland Dove Least Concern Small dove with zebra-like stripes and a soft, cooing call. Known for its calming presence and melodious coos. Introduced
Spotted dove Spilopelia chinensis Urban habitats, Farmland, Grasslands Dove Least Concern Larger dove with a distinctive black-and-white spotted neck patch. Often seen walking on the ground in search of seeds. Resident
Red Collared Dove Streptopelia tranquebarica Grasslands, Urban habitats Dove Least Concern Small dove with reddish-brown plumage and a soothing call. Males are known for their territorial displays during breeding. Resident
Common Emerald Dove Chalcophaps indica Forests, Farmland Dove Least Concern Medium-sized dove with bright green wings and a pinkish face. Known as the "Green Dove" due to its striking wing color. Resident
Philippine Cuckoo-Dove Macropygia tenuirostris Forests Dove Least Concern Medium-sized dove with reddish-brown plumage and a soothing coo. A shy bird often heard rather than seen. Endemic Bird(Only in the Philippines)
Eastern Cattle Egret Ardea coromanda Grasslands, Farmland Egret Least Concern Small white heron often seen near grazing animals. Known for feeding on insects stirred up by livestock. Migratory Bird
Mangrove Blue Flycatcher Cyornis rufigastra Mangrove Forests, Urban habitats Flycatcher Least Concern Small bird with bright blue upperparts, orange underparts, and a sweet song. Known to perch silently before darting out to catch insects mid-air. Resident
Narcissus Flycatcher Ficedula narcissina Forests, Urban habitats Flycatcher Least Concern Medium-sized bird with striking black, yellow, and white plumage, with males being more vividly colored. Migrates across East Asia, and its name comes from its vivid colors resembling the Narcissus flower. Migratory Bird
Golden-bellied Gerygone Gerygone sulphurea Farmland, Urban habitats Flyeater Least Concern Small bird with a bright yellow belly and a melodious song. Builds hanging nests that sway with the wind. Resident
Tawny Grassbird Cincloramphus timoriensis Grasslands Grassbird Least Concern Small brown bird with streaked plumage and a loud, trilling call. Often stays hidden in tall grass, making it hard to spot. Resident
Purple Heron Ardea purpurea Wetlands, Farmland Heron Least Concern Large wading bird with purple and brown plumage. Expert at catching fish in shallow waters. Migratory Bird
White Collared Kingfisher Todiramphus chloris Marine and coastal habitats, Urban habitats Kingfisher Least Concern Vibrant blue and white kingfisher often seen near water. Hunts crabs and fish with precision dives. Resident
Brown-breasted Kingfisher Halcyon gularis Forests, Wetlands Kingfisher Least Concern Large kingfisher with brown chest and brilliant blue wings. Endemic to the Philippines and a skilled hunter of small prey. Endemic Bird(Only in the Philippines)
Bird Names Scientific Names Bird Habitats Bird Types Conservation Status Description Fun Facts Presence Type
Philippine Nightjar Caprimulgus manillensis Urban habitats, Forests Nightjar Least Concern Medium-sized nocturnal bird with mottled plumage for camouflage. Known for its haunting, repetitive night calls. Near-endemic
Black-naped Oriole Oriolus chinensis Forests, Urban habitats Oriole Least Concern Bright yellow bird with a distinctive black line across its eyes. Known for its flute-like call and vibrant coloration. Resident
Philippine Pied Fantail Rhipidura javanica Urban habitats, Forests Passerine Least Concern Small bird with a black head, white eyebrows, and a fan-shaped tail. Famous for its aggressive behavior towards intruders near its nest. Endemic Bird(Only in the Philippines)
Yellow-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus goiavier Urban habitats, Farmland, Grasslands Passerine Least Concern Medium-sized bird with brown upperparts and a distinctive yellow patch under its tail. Adaptable to urban environments, often seen eating fruits in backyards. Resident
Chestnut Munia Lonchura atricapilla Grasslands, Farmland Passerine Least Concern Small finch-like bird with chestnut-colored body and black head. Official national bird of the Philippines. Resident
Philippine Bulbul Hypsipetes philippinus Forests, Lowland heathland, Urban habitats Passerine Least Concern Medium-sized bird with brown plumage and a slightly crested head. Plays a crucial role in seed dispersal. Endemic Bird(Only in the Philippines)
Spotted Buttonquail Turnix ocellatus Farmland, Grasslands Quail Least Concern Small, ground-dwelling bird with mottled brown plumage and distinctive black-and-white spots. Females are more colorful and vocal, taking the lead in courtship. Males incubate eggs and raise the chicks. Endemic Bird(Only in the Philippines)
White-breasted Waterhen Amaurornis phoenicurus Wetlands, Grasslands Rail Least Concern Medium-sized bird with a white face and breast, and black upperparts. Known for its loud, cackling call. Resident
Philippine Magpie Robin Copsychus mindanensis Forests, Urban habitats Robin Least Concern Small black-and-white bird with a melodious song. Often seen perched on fences or low branches. Endemic Bird(Only in the Philippines)
Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus Farmland, Grasslands, Urban habitats Shrike Least Concern Medium-sized bird with a hooked beak and distinctive black mask. Known as the "butcher bird" for impaling prey on thorns. Migratory Bird
Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus Urban habitats, Farmland Sparrow Least Concern Small brown bird with a black cheek patch and a noisy chirp. Commonly found in urban areas, often nesting in crevices. Introduced
Garden Sunbird Cinnyris jugularis Urban habitats, Marine and coastal habitats Sunbird Least Concern Tiny bird with iridescent blue chest and olive-green upperparts Male performs elaborate displays during courtship. Previously called Olive-backed Sunbird. Endemic Bird(Only in the Philippines)
Glossy Swiftlet Collocalia esculenta Forests, Urban habitats Swift Least Concern Small, dark swift with glossy feathers and a rapid flight pattern. Builds nests with saliva, used in bird's nest soup. Resident
House Swift Apus nipalensis Urban habitats Swift Least Concern Small bird with a forked tail and rapid, darting flight. Nests are often found clinging to tall buildings or cliffs. Resident
Pied Triller Lalage nigra Farmland, Forests, Urban habitats Triller Least Concern Small black-and-white bird with a streaked underside. Often joins mixed-species flocks while foraging. Resident
Grey-backed Tailorbird Orthotomus ruficeps Forests, Grasslands, Urban habitats Warbler Least Concern Small bird with olive-green upperparts, grey back, and white underparts. Builds intricate nests by stitching leaves together, using its beak like a needle. Endemic Bird(Only in the Philippines)
Lowland White-eye Zosterops meyeni Forests, Urban habitats White-eye Least Concern Tiny bird with green plumage and a distinctive white eye-ring. Forms large, noisy flocks and feeds on nectar. Endemic Bird(Only in the Philippines)
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